The Parish of St Andrew's Norway, Eastbourne
St Andrew’s Servers
A dedicated team of servers assist with our worship on Sunday mornings, carrying out duties before, during and after the service. Currently our serving team consists mainly of children aged 7 to 16 with a few adults to assist with some of the roles.
Duties before the service include setting up the candles on the altar, preparing the altar book, ensuring the gifts of bread and wine are at the back of church for the Offertory Procession, placing the sacred vessels on the Credence Table beside the altar.
During the service duties are carried out according to the server’s role:
The Crucifer carries the processional cross and receives the Offertory Collection
Acolytes carry the processional candles, receive the gifts of bread and wine at the offertory, wash the priest’s hands and assist where necessary
The Thurifer carries the thurible used to cense the altar, gospel book, the priests and people and the elements during the prayer of consecration
The Boat boy or girl carries the incense “boat” and accompanies the thurifer
The MC holds the service book for the priest when he is not at the altar and assists with the ablutions after communion
After the service all the serving team assist with clearing the altar, tidying the sanctuary and server’s stalls
If you would like more information about the roles of servers or are interested in becoming a server yourself or would like your son or daughter to become a server please contact us here
St Andrew's Church, Seaside, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN22 7RT